Giclee Prints
Selected Paintings are available as quality
Reproductions on Canvas in a variety of
sizes. Please call or email for more
information and for availability of images.
Prices for Giclees on canvas
8"x10" $175
10"x 14" $200
14"x18" $250
18"x24" $350
24"x24" $450
24"x32" $650
26"x40" $850
36"x36" $975
Prices for Giclees on paper
8" x 10" $145
10" x 14" $175
14" x 18" $215
Reproductions on Canvas in a variety of
sizes. Please call or email for more
information and for availability of images.
Prices for Giclees on canvas
8"x10" $175
10"x 14" $200
14"x18" $250
18"x24" $350
24"x24" $450
24"x32" $650
26"x40" $850
36"x36" $975
Prices for Giclees on paper
8" x 10" $145
10" x 14" $175
14" x 18" $215